Record text to speech mac

Record text to speech mac – How to

Record text to speech mac Record text to speech mac is an easy thing to do. All the software you need is included with your mac. You…

Swift Debian

Swift Debian 8 (Jessie)

Swift Debian 8 (Jessie) Swift, Apples new programming language, to take over for Objective C has been open source for some time now. It only took at…

didMove never get called

Xcode – didMove never get called

didMove never get called in Xcode? didMove never get called when creating a new project with Xcode using the Game template. I selected Swift and SpriteKit. I…


Screenflick – Record gameplay or screen on a mac

Screenflick record gameplay or screen on a mac. You could also be using the preinstalled QuickTime software. It is great for recording the screen. If you want…

iMovie Library

iMovie library location

iMovie Library location is by default located in your Movies folder. To move it an external hard driver or a server, open your finder window and drag…

MacBook Air slow internet

MacBook Air slow internet after upgrading to MacOS Sierra

MacBook Air slow internet. There are a few tips out there on how to fix a slow internet connection on a MacBook Air after upgrading to MacOS…

Stay Safe from SS7

Stay Safe from SS7 exploits

Stay safe from SS7 exploits is not easy. But a few easy measures can be done. Anytime speaking on the phone, on normal lines not using any…

Game engines list

Game engines list – 50+ engines

Game engines list My little Game engines list. There are probably many more engines than listed here. I tried not to list any engines that you can’t…

SCP copy directories

SCP copy directories

SCP copy directories SCP copy directories – How to use. Previously i posted an article on how to use SCP to download or upload files. You can…

Tor network dark web

Tor network dark web

Tor network dark web The Tor network dark web is one part of the part of internet called Dark Web. Tor network dark web is also referred…