Stencyl Scrolltext – How to move / scroll text
Stencyl Scrolltext I could not find any tutorials on how to do scroll text with Stencyl. If you have lived as long as me, you might remember…

Stencyl – Create a simple starfield
Stencyl simple star field A short and direct video on how to create a simple star field in Stencyl. Enjoy! If you need to download Stencyl, please…

Stencyl game folder mac
The default location for your stencyl game folder is /users/username/stencylworks/games So if your username is john it would be something like /users/john/stencylworks/games This can easily be changed…

Stencyl Parallax Scrolling
Stencyl Parallax Scrolling Here is a short description on how to do Stencyl parallax scrolling. From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax_scrolling Parallax scrolling is a technique in computer graphics and…

Stencyl – Moving the mouse cursor is slowing down my game
In Stencyl Moving the mouse cursor is slowing down my game. Why is that? Here is what I found and how I fixed it from slowing down…