Install MonoDevelop on Debian 10 (Buster)
Install MonoDevelop on Debian 10 (Buster). Never had a problem with installing MonoDevelop on Debian before. Even after they removed it from the Debian official repository. That…

Write linux code on mac
write linux code on mac How to write linux code on mac. Cross platform code is another term on write linux code code on mac, or any…
Linux Mint Mono develop is not working after install
Linux Mint Mono Develop On a standard Debian system this is very easy, and should be so on Linux Mint Mono Develop (the Debian version) too. Since…
Mono Develop – Use .net MySql connector
A short example on how to use the .net MySql connector with Mono Develop.First you need to make it available to your project.Go to Project -> Edit…
Mono Develop (Linux) – Install .net MySql Connector
Here is how to install a .net MySql connector for Mono Develop for Linux (Tested for Debian Variants). First we is going to download the connector, and…