Internet Explorer – Dissable re-open closed tabs

On web based systems, when getting automatic restarts, power loss, etc, it can be a pain with the re-open closed tabs feature in Internet Explorer. It’s not…

Nmea Udp Port Forwarder

Here is a cool (if you happens to need this) program for redirecting incoming nmea udp strings. Check it out here. Happy redirecting!

UDP Listener

I’ve released a small cute little program to read UDP packets sent to your computer. You can have a look, or download it here.

Udp Transmitter

Simple Udp Transmitter tool released. Check it out at UdpTransmitter v0.01

Win Xp – Create Service manually

With the latest versions of Visual Studio, the “built-in” install creator isn’t “built-in” anymore. And you are offered a free version of Installshield LE instead. I have…