Server 2008 IIS – Disable logging

If you are running web applications or hosting websites on IIS, and have your IIS logging enabled. You are in risk of running out of disk space….

Server 2008 – How to uninstall Internet Explorer 11

Sometimes this just needs to be done. And here is a show how to uninstall Internet Explorer 11. How to: ——- 1) Go to control panel >…

Internet Explorer – Dissable re-open closed tabs

On web based systems, when getting automatic restarts, power loss, etc, it can be a pain with the re-open closed tabs feature in Internet Explorer. It’s not…

Nmea Udp Port Forwarder

Here is a cool (if you happens to need this) program for redirecting incoming nmea udp strings. Check it out here. Happy redirecting!

UDP Listener

I’ve released a small cute little program to read UDP packets sent to your computer. You can have a look, or download it here.

Udp Transmitter

Simple Udp Transmitter tool released. Check it out at UdpTransmitter v0.01

Server 2008 – Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security

When setting up Server 2008, and something is needed from the Internet, Internet Explorer Enhanced Security can be a real pain. To disable IE ESC open Server…