Linux – Create and extract zip

Zip Probably the most used archiving format for pc users. To compress a folder in Linux: zip -r /home/Jon/files_to_archive This example assume we are creating a…

Install KVM Virtual Machine Manager on Debian based systems

The Virtual Machine Manager is a small powerful tool when it comes to handling your kvm guests. To install the Virtual Machine Manager we do: apt-get install…

Linux Mint Mono develop is not working after install

Linux Mint Mono Develop On a standard Debian system this is very easy, and should be so on Linux Mint Mono Develop (the Debian version) too. Since…

Debian – Add sftp access for users to your Apache website folder

If you try to transfer files to your website folders (as a user) with FileZilla or any other sftp software, you most likely get write: permission denied….

Udp Transmitter

Simple Udp Transmitter tool released. Check it out at UdpTransmitter v0.01

Play Android games on your pc

To play Android games on your PC, you can use an app player like BlueStacks. You can download BlueStacks from here: Install it like a normal Windows…

Windows – Disable automatic driver updates

It can be annoying when Microsoft decide to install their version of drivers, when you already have something that works perfectly. That’s why I’m disabling automatic driver…

C# – Add VB script capabilities to your applications

There is plenty of areas to use this. For me, I use vb scripts on one of my software so users can make their own start up…

Mono Develop – Use .net MySql connector

A short example on how to use the .net MySql connector with Mono Develop.First you need to make it available to your project.Go to Project -> Edit…

Mono Develop (Linux) – Install .net MySql Connector

Here is how to install a .net MySql connector for Mono Develop for Linux (Tested for Debian Variants). First we is going to download the connector, and…