Debian Versions

Debian Versions listing

Debian Versions Debian versions before version 1.1 were all development versions. The Debian 0.01 was done in August 1993. Debian 1.0 was not really version 1.0. It…

Safari view source

Safari view source code for html

Safari view source code for html Safari view source code for html is sometimes very useful. Either because you looking for hints and tips on how to…

Swift string input

Swift string input for OS X (updated)

Swift string input Swift string input has become a lot easier than since I posted an article about it. In my previous article Swift string input required…

edit hosts file

Edit hosts file on a mac

how to edit hosts file on a mac A short article on how to edit hosts file on a mac. I found an article on how to…

swift play mp3

Swift play mp3 from your app

Swift play mp3 from your app Swift play mp3 from your app with this small example. To make swift play mp3 files we need to start with…

swift send email

Swift send email from your iOS 9 app

Swift send email from your iOS app Swift send email from your iOS app. How do we do that… It was easier than I first thought. At…

webmin ubuntu

Webmin ubuntu installation

Webmin ubuntu installation Webmin ubuntu is a powerful web-based interface for system administration for Linux and Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts,…

linux calendar

Linux calendar from the terminal

Linux calendar from the terminal Linux calendar function is a neat and useful little tool. Getting the calendar directly in the terminal, if you need to, while…

command line weather

Command line weather report in linux and OS X

Command line weather report in linux and OS X If you are on a Mac with OS X or using a Linux computer you can request a…

apt-get install

Apt-get install asks for CD

Apt-get install asks for missing CD If you are using apt-get install you have a Debian based linux distro. After a fresh and clean install of you…