Udp Transmitter
Simple Udp Transmitter tool released. Check it out at UdpTransmitter v0.01
Play Android games on your pc
To play Android games on your PC, you can use an app player like BlueStacks. You can download BlueStacks from here: http://www.bluestacks.com/ Install it like a normal Windows…
Windows – Disable automatic driver updates
It can be annoying when Microsoft decide to install their version of drivers, when you already have something that works perfectly. That’s why I’m disabling automatic driver…
Windows – Enable or disable memory dumps
Laptops with lots of ram and small ssd’s, then your computer crash and windows dumps the ram to your hard drive. To prevent those hungry files to…
Server 2008 – Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security
When setting up Server 2008, and something is needed from the Internet, Internet Explorer Enhanced Security can be a real pain. To disable IE ESC open Server…
Win Xp – Create Service manually
With the latest versions of Visual Studio, the “built-in” install creator isn’t “built-in” anymore. And you are offered a free version of Installshield LE instead. I have…
Ftp Uploader Tool
Here is a tool that can upload files to a ftp host with interval ranging from 1 second to almost infinite. It will not run on Win…