Unity Retro Demo, how I made this intro
Unity Retro Demo, takes you straight back to the golden years of 80s of the 8/16 bit computer era. Since I started learning my self Unity a…
Error while installing Unity (error code: 1)
Do you get Error while installing Unity. (Error code: 1)? Some peoples are getting this error and don’t understand why. Since Error code: 1 is not a…
How to uninstall Unity on Mac
How to uninstall Unity on Mac This is how to uninstall Unity on Mac. Follow these simple steps and delete the following folders or files. 1. /Applications/Unity…
Xcode 9 uiimage image not shown
Xcode 9 uiimage image not shown Working on some ios apps created with Xcode 8 and your images don’t show after upgrading to Xcode 9? Took me awhile…
Swift Capitalize words, How to
Swift Capitalize, How to Swift Capitalize is done with a string instance property. Check the example below to see how to use it. There is also a link…
Swift Debian 8 (Jessie)
Swift Debian 8 (Jessie) Swift, Apples new programming language, to take over for Objective C has been open source for some time now. It only took at…
Xcode – didMove never get called
didMove never get called in Xcode? didMove never get called when creating a new project with Xcode using the Game template. I selected Swift and SpriteKit. I…
Game engines list – 50+ engines
Game engines list My little Game engines list. There are probably many more engines than listed here. I tried not to list any engines that you can’t…