OpenMediaVault default password
OpenMediaVault default password is printed in the documentation. I did not see it the first time I installed it either. So I had to do some detective…

Unity Random Bool with three different methods
Do you need to create a random Bool or Boolean in Unity? Here is 3 different methods to show you how to do Unity Random Bool. Bool…

Unity random number with examples
How to do a Unity random number for integers and float. Let us go thru a few examples with random integer and random float using unity random…

C# Array find the first number above target
C# Array find the first number above target. If the array is sorted and you need to find the first number above your target number. Here is…

Unity animation samples not showing in Unity 2019.3
Unity animation samples not showing? Relax, they did not remove it. They have just hidden it. Not sure why it never bothered me when it was there…

Debian change DNS settings to a new DNS
Debian change DNS settings for speed improvement or privacy. It is really easy to do. So let us see how it’s done and get to it. The…

Unity Curl error 7
I recently had this error in Unity. Unity Curl error 7: Failed to connect to cdp.cloud.unity3d.com port 443: Connection refused For a few days, I had been…

Upgrade Debian 9 to Debian 10
Upgrade Debian 9 to Debian 10 is very similar to upgrading previous versions. The only you need to do is change the sources to Buster instead of…

Debian 10 Static IP
Debian 10 static IP works just like the previous version. They changed the naming of the network interfaces in Debian 9. However if you have upgraded from…

Install dotnet core on Debian 10
Install dotnet core on Debian 10 is essential to run dotnet core application on Debian. This time Microsoft has done it easy to install dotnet core 3…