Minecraft server – Debian variants

3D-Grass-iconMinecraft have become unbelievable popular. Simple graphics in a huge sandbox with total freedom seems to do the tricks.

We will assume the server is about empty and clean.

First thing we’ll do is update apt-get.
apt-get update

If you don’t have Java 1.6 or higher, we will need to install Java.
To check your java version
java -version

If it don’t return anything, or version number lower than 1.6, then install it.
apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

To be able to run the server without having the console open, install screen.
apt-get install screen

make a directory for it, like home/minecraft (you can of course make a user for it too)
mkdir /home/minecraft

move over to minecraft folder and download the server (latest current version is 1.72)
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.7.2/minecraft_server.1.7.2.jar

Start the Minecraft server.
screen java -Xmx512M -Xms512M -jar minecraft_server.1.7.2.jar nogui

Xmx512M = Maxium 512MB memory
Xms512M = Startup with 512MB memory

Press ctrl+a and then ctrl+d to de-attach from the console for the Minecraft server.

Later I’ll show some Minecraft config stuff.

Happy gaming!

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