Linux – Start, stop and reboot your KVM guests from command line

virtual-desktop-2-iconI prefer using a gui when controlling my virtual machines. Learning how to control them in the most basic way from the command line or terminal is easy. It is very self explanatory once you know about the virsh command. I have made some examples below on how to use these commands.

Here is the list of basic commands to start, stop and reboot your virtual machines.

List your running guests

virsh list
[sourcecode language=”text”]
Id Name State
2 apt-cacher.home running

List all guests:

virsh list –all
[sourcecode language=”text”]
Id Name State
2 apt-cacher.home running
– db1.home shut off
– db2.home shut off
– devlab.home shut off
– minecraft.home shut off
– vault.home shut off
– web.home shut off

To start a vm

we can only use their vm name to start them.
virsh start db1.home

To reboot a vm

We can use name or id to reboot the vm.
virsh reboot 2
virsh reboot apt-cacher.home

To stop or shutdown a vm

virsh shutdown 2
virsh shutdown apt-cacher.home

To shutdown or stop an unresponsive or crashed vm

virsh destroy 2
virsh destroy apt-cacher.home

To get information about your vm

virsh dominfo 2
virsh dominfo apt-cacher.home
[sourcecode language=”text”]
Id: 2
Name: apt-cacher.home
UUID: f194bb17-5f0e-21f5-f712-8a98edd4f1d8
OS Type: hvm
State: running
CPU(s): 1
CPU time: 332.8s
Max memory: 262144 KiB
Used memory: 262144 KiB
Persistent: yes
Autostart: enable
Managed save: no
Security model: apparmor
Security DOI: 0
Security label: libvirt-f194bb17-5f0e-21f5-f712-8a98edd4f1d8 (enforcing)
Happy controlling!

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