Swift loops – Basic looping in swift
Swift loops Some basic introduction to Swift loops. Swift Loops: For loop For loops are the same as the traditional C loops. If you have experience from…

Swift Array – basic introduction
Swift array Swift Array An array in Swift, and any other programming language who support arrays, is a list of data. Those data can be any datatype….

Swift Variables, Basic Intro
Swift Variables Some basic information about Swift variables. Nothing to complicated if you programmed before, no matter what language you used. Variables are variables in any language….

Random numbers in swift 2.0
Random numbers in swift 2.0 Here is a short description on how to create random numbers in Swift 2.0. To create random numbers in swift 2.0 you…

Upload Xcode projects to github
Upload Xcode projects to github Never used github until I started programming in Xcode. And one instructor talked about the importance of upload Xcode projects to github….

Swift – WebView unable to load http pages
I think Apple did some changes to the later versions of Xcode. If you have used WebView in Xcode 6 with iOS 8, you were probably able…
Xcode: Swift String Input in command line
Swift String Input When I first started with Swift, I didn’t think that a Swift String Input would be a issue. But it seems like at the…
OS X application – Add TabView item in Xcode
Add TabView Item in Xcode I’m totally noob when it comes to GUI programming in Xcode. Well, I’m not an expert in anything related to Xcode really….